After a long and bloody war the Queen of Air and Darkness and her supporters were driven into the Feydark and their names were erased from the universe leaving only their titles. The two remaining sisters were now more wary of one another and relations between them soured.


The Feywild has always been a fascination of mine. While I was lucky enough to travel there exactly thrice, it is my first visit that alludes me the most. I often search my memories in an effort to discover something lost from my time there. Whenever I locate any kind of small glimpse into those moments, I lose them. Try as I might, the slivers of memories always slip between my fingers like fine silk.

That is what the Feywild does. Leaves you forever changed and wanting more. During my other two visits, I made it my mission to not only explore, but to document, chronicle and record my findings. I have been able to not only range over the land, but to get to know the diverse Fey population. This includes in depth, albeit tensely respectful, relationships with many of the Archfey.

After my first trip into the Feywild, I unfortunately fell victim to the effects of life in the material realm after returning from Faerie. Within days I was beginning to lose bits and pieces of my memories. And after only a few months, most of those experiences left me, save for a few brief passages in one of my old journals. I struggle to retain any memory from that trip, or even recall where I logged these experiences. The Feywild was like a dream, creeping on the corners of my mind and disappearing the moment I tried to focus on it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tristique sodales risus, nec iaculis elit faucibus ut. Curabitur id lacus at lectus semper ultricies. Pellentesque imperdiet eros vitae arcu rutrum, at porttitor nibh pellentesque. In eget orci vitae purus varius congue. Proin ultricies nunc vitae hendrerit ornare. Ut condimentum neque ac arcu maximus, id venenatis justo convallis. Fusce auctor molestie mi eget congue. Duis vehicula elementum lacinia. Maecenas sed porttitor quam.

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Fairy Gates

In my travels, I have come across many ways to cross into the Feywild from our realm, and have come to know of these crossings as Fairy Gates. Some gates are always open, but this is very rare. Most are only active at certain times of day, or even certain times of the year. Commonly they open at dusk, dawn, midnight or midday, depending on the crossing. And others even may be more active at midsummer and the equinoxes.

Physically a gate may be entirely invisible, save for a slight shimmer in the air. The energy of the Feywild leaking through the gates will often cause physical signs to appear in our world. Look for rings of mushrooms, springs which flow with healing waters, glowing fungi in caves, impossibly narrow or intricate ice or sand structures, or even in the oceans, unnatural whirlpools.

I've found that traveling through a gate is generally as simple as walking through it. Yet there are exceptions to this rule. Some may require one to spend a certain time period in the vicinity. Occasionally they require the traveler to sleep within the area of the gate.